
» FRAGMENTS 2004 Exhibition – St. Peter and Paul Cathedral

FRAGMENTS 2004 Exhibition – St. Peter and Paul Cathedral An unknown power coming from the inside (or the above) urges an artist to work, it fuels him, inspires him with the shape of things and makes his mind open to knowledge. This is the glamour of an artist. But on the other hand, it is too bad, that he is only allowed to collect the slivers of the real. He cannot do anything but try very hard to catch these little pieces as good as he can, they are the fragments of the sensed Truth. They are to be searched for by both the reason and sensibility to find the means and message to communicate. One should nevertheless keep in mind that the Spirit blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes. And so one is left to pray – perhaps you could, even through me? … So that it had some sense…

Diskuze: | autor: Vladimír Matoušek|zveřejněno: 25. 02. 2007|rubrika: Exhibitions|

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